04/25/09 — Assembled 11 LMR400 flex coax jumpers for rotator loops with PL259s. Installed baluns on first C51XR. Primed and painted mast. Fit the boom-to-mast cradle to the top C51XR.
04/23/09 — Pulled control wiring in conduit. 1 – 12/2 UF; 4 – 18/4 w/grd; 3 – 18/4; 2 – RG59, a total of 2,000 feet of control wire.
04/18/09 — Cut 11 lengths @ 125 feet of LMR400 type coax for my StackMatch feeds to the antenna. Installed PL259s on one end of each cable, using the K3LR method of soldering the shield to the connector body. During the past week, I’ve continued gathering the myriad of bolts & nuts, truss cable, electrical tape, etc. that we will need to install the antennas. I borrowed an AIM4170, swept both antenna on 10, 15, & 20 — they do look and perform in a reasonable manner, considering they are only 3 feet above ground.

04/06/09 — Assembled the second Force 12 C-51XR. Now both C-51’s need the 40m linear elements installed and tuned, all 4 bands baluns and feed lines installed, 20m driven elements lengthened for separate feedlines, and the truss cables inspected. Then, a thorough inspection of each antenna, and they will be ready to fly!
04/05/09 — Installed three StackMatch relay boxes in telco pedastal box at tower base. Parked M2 Orion 2800 at 0 degrees with South stop. Installed studs in 2800, grade 8 bolts in mast clamp.
04/04/09 — Assembled the first Force 12 C-51XR, and laid out the parts for the second one. The antenna party is getting really close now! My daughter painted the 3/4″ plywood in the antenna switch shed.